
  • Double Trouble: Can You Get the Flu Twice?

    As the seasons change and the air grows colder, one annual question resurfaces: “Can you get the flu twice?” The answer may surprise you; yes, it is possible to experience the discomfort and inconvenience of the flu twice in one season. However, the reality of catching the flu multiple times is more complex than it…

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  • When to Go to the Hospital for COVID-19

    With the rise of new virus variants, knowing when to seek medical attention for COVID-19 has become a crucial aspect of safeguarding our health and the well-being of our communities. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s essential to be well-informed about the signs and symptoms that warrant a trip to the hospital. In this blog, we’ll…

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  • Can You Get a Concussion Without Hitting Your Head?

    Concussions are no longer the enigmatic head injuries they once were. Thanks to extensive research and heightened awareness, we now understand that these traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur in various ways, not just from a direct blow to the head. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), concussions are a growing…

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  • When to Go to the Emergency Room for Back Pain

    When is it essential to head to the emergency room for back pain? Back pain is a widespread ailment that affects people of all ages and pain levels can range from mildly uncomfortable to debilitating. Deciphering whether your back pain requires immediate medical attention or can be managed with rest and home remedies can be…

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  • Sleeping Through the Holidays

    Sleep is a building block of health, along with a well-rounded diet and exercise. Not getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep a night is linked to a myriad of chronic health issues, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and even depression. Holidays are often stressful times, and…

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  • How Much Sleep Do We Really Need

    How much sleep do you need? As babies, we need to sleep 12 to 16 out of each 24 hours, and by the time we’re teenagers, most people need 8 to 10 hours each night. By adulthood, that number drops to about 7 to 8 hours a night, and slightly less for seniors. However, sleep…

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  • Health Problems Most Common in Fall and Winter

    Are you frequently sick in the fall and winter? The colder months create the perfect storm for viral illnesses because cold weather suppresses the immune system and causes people to crowd together indoors, where they’re more likely to spread illnesses. Let’s look at which health problems the fall and winter months are likely to bring.…

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  • Seasonal Depression

    This time of year can be fun and festive for most, but for people suffering with seasonal affective disorder, it’s pretty miserable. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is also known as the “winter blues” but it’s much more than just feeling a little bit down because of the weather. It’s a type of depression that begins…

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  • Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

    The holidays are around the corner, with all the celebrating that comes along with them. Whether you’re taking the plunge back into festive gatherings or just having a quiet holiday season at home, it’s important to stay on top of your holiday eating. Why? Because it’s easy to mindlessly eat everything laid before you during…

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  • Difference Between Freestanding ER and Hospital ER

    Did you know that freestanding emergency rooms have been around for almost 50 years? Lately, there’s been an uptick in their popularity, but the concept of a freestanding emergency room (ER) is not new. How do these emergency rooms compare with a hospital emergency room? And are they the same thing as urgent care? First…

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