
  • Fall Risks and What to Do in Case of a Fall

    Little kids fall all the time, and it’s rarely serious. The older we get, however, the more a fall is likely to have major consequences. For adults, a fall can easily result in a broken bone. For older people, that fracture could be the beginning of serious issues like hospital stays or disability. How can…

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  • Types of Strokes

    Strokes used to rank fourth among leading causes of death in the United States, but they’ve dropped to fifth. This is largely due to improvement in treatment, but another factor is awareness. When people know how to identify warning signs of a stroke, they’re better able to seek treatment in time to prevent a tragedy.…

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  • Potential Summer Health Hazards

    Summer is here, bringing plenty of fun in the sun! It’s important to consider, while you’re swimming, playing outdoors, or firing up the grill, that summer’s relaxation is not without risk. In fact, some health hazards are particularly prevalent at this time of year. Whether you’re playing or working, make sure you take precautions to…

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  • Working from Home Increases Risk of Back Pain

    Living through a pandemic has been challenging, and COVID-19 has certainly brought with it a lot of changes. One of these is the rise of the remote worker, and many of us have continued working from home, even as restrictions on businesses ease. There are some great things about remote working, but one consequence is…

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  • Should You Get a Heart Scan After Testing Positive for Covid

    Covid-19 is so new that not even doctors know everything about it yet. It’s becoming clear, though, that it’s more than just a respiratory condition. In fact, emerging evidence demonstrates that it is also linked to heart damage. Cardiologists are seeing patients who have recovered from COVID-19 yet have signs of inflammation and scar formation…

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  • Sunburns & Skin Cancer

    Summertime is meant for outdoor activities, but when you bike, swim, or play outside, you risk getting sunburned. Mild sunburns are treatable at home, but some are serious enough to warrant medical attention. Severe or repeated sunburns can even lead to skin cancer. The Importance of Using Sunscreen One of the most effective ways to…

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  • Tips to Avoid Heat Stroke

    Heat stroke, the most serious form of heat injury, can be fatal without proper medical treatment. Milder heat-related illnesses, such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion, often progress to heat stroke if left untreated. Learn how to spot heat stroke and avoid activities that could lead to this heat injury. Signs of Heat Stroke Heat…

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  • 10 Bug Bites & Stings You Should Not Ignore

    The warm, humid weather in Texas makes it a hotbed for all sorts of insects, many of which bite, sting, or burrow. Some bug bites are nothing but an itchy nuisance, but others can transmit diseases or cause life-threatening allergic reactions. Here are 10 bugs—and the bites and stings that go with them—that you should…

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  • What You Need to Know about Heart Attacks

    A myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when any part of your heart doesn’t get enough blood. The consequences may be minor or potentially life-threatening, depending on the severity of the attack, your gender, and other factors. Here’s more about what a heart attack feels like so you can be sure…

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  • COPD Awareness and Symptoms

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Both conditions make breathing more difficult. They often occur together in COPD patients with varying degrees of severity. What are the Symptoms of COPD? Symptoms are often mild at first, becoming increasingly severe as the disease progresses.…

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